Last Placed Position: X, Y
Save and export map:
Download Map
Export Map (For later use...)
Drag file to the canvas to import, (When done, click 'Import Map')!
Import Map
Select which object to place:
Mode: (build/remove)
Global Settings
Respect Tile Grid
Z-index (Only change when you want to place multiple objects at the same place!!!!)
Scrolling Options
Map Length (negative number, 0 is a non-scrolling map)
Object Image
Relative Image ''
Object RELATIVE Image (leave '' if you are not using this, example: './gameComponents/imgimports/binladen.jpg' WITHOUT the comma-s)
X Offset (0 is default)
Y Offset (0 is default)
Platform Settings
X hitbox (leave -1 to use image hitboxes)
Y hitbox (leave -1 to use image hitboxes)
GenericObjects Settings
Use Object image for GenericObject image
GenericObject Parralax Effect
Enemy Settings
Enemy Type
Enemy Direction (1 and -1)
Enemy DropTable (common1,common2,common3,common4,rare1,bossdrop...)
Enemy DropTable Dropchance (1/n, n=1 is 100%)
Enemy Health (default enemy has 100)
Item Settings
Item Animates?
Item Animation sprite width:
SceneActors Settings
SceneActor Image
Map Initialization Options
maplength (requires NEGATIVE number or 0)
Custom Data Content
Enter Appendable Data
Add Data
Mode: can use build/remove state, you can place objects while building and remove while removing.
Respect Tile Grid: Whether to place tiles in ~16 coordinates. (By now it cannot be disabled)
Z-index: Allows you to place multiple objects to the same position, can be EVERYTHING, default value is 1, but it stores value as a string so it can be "dasafafa" or anything except NON-ASCII characters.
Scrolling Options: allows you to scroll left and right and building the offsetted parts of the map.
Object Image: this allows you to input any image that is in the game, value can be "platformimage","cabbage",....
Every object uses this except the Enemy and SceneActor. (use 'border_1' for transparent object, for example hitboxes)
X-Y offset: allows you place objects to non PoT locations (in theory should work)
X-Y hitboxes: allows you to change the platform hitbox width and height
GenericObject Parralax Effect: Attribute for GenericObject. 0 makes it a position (perfect for static background), 1 makes it move with scrolling, n lesser than 1 && n!=0 makes it slower to scroll, n greater than 1 makes it faster to scroll
Enemy Type: varies from 1-n (n varies from versions). Default 1 is Taliban gunner, 5 is taliban warrior for example.
Enemy Direction: -1 and 1 can be given, (-1 is left, 1 is right)
Enemy DropTable: set droptable for enemy (droptables at 2.1 version: common1,common2,common3,common4,supply1,rare1,rare2,box1drop,food1,starter1,bossdrop,bossdrop2,tankdrop,alltables[i],jungledrop)
Enemy DropTable Dropchance: n is input value, drop chance (%) is 1/n, 1 is 100%, 10 is 10%, 100 is 1%.
Enemy Health: enemy maxhealth, default enemy has 100.
Custom Data Content: Add custom commands when the level starts.