Source Codes
These are some of the source codes of some of my projects. more sources can be found under the private section which are by default are inaccessible. You will find many mods/addons I made here, namely for Starcraft,Minecraft and MGRR.

My os which I made from scratch. Includes sound playing, mapped interrupts, command system, process system, scheduling and most of std libs reimplemented.

A mod which adds catapults, sausages and a lot more.

Adds Tasnádi Sam, the master of analysis as a boss to MGRR / Beadja Tasnádi Sam-et, az analízis mesterét bossnak az MGRR-be.

My biggest project yet. I am developing an AI which is capable of training itself rapidly and can associate meanings. The AI will only learn from a "trusted" partner. Currently includes memory.txt only.

The source code and the executable of my project I made for the first semester of the university. The game is a remake of asteroids with top-list, explosions and more juice.

A program which draws a rotating pyramid in 3d to the console, while the original code is maintaining the solid shape of a pyramid.

This is an old version of my upcoming project. Made with the MERN stack. Demo hopefully available.

A half-complete game. The base raycaster engine is fully completer, supports floors,roofs,wall textures, cutouts and reflections with a clever trick!

A chunked, robust sand simulation using C++ and SFML!

Implementation of some quantum algorithms in Python using Qiskit library.

Yet Another Vulkan Application is a basic rendering engine, contains texture support, adding meshes to the scene and antialiasing. Discounted, only here for accessibility.

An OpenGL camera controller and basic scene using Glut, Glm and Glew. Also uses the stb_image loader for loading images.
Contains 10+ projects made using React as an excercise.
The source code of my "optional tasks" I made for the first semester of the university.
The source code of my tasks I made for the first semester of the university.
Contains my unfinished C projects, altough these are not done yet, you may find something you can use.
Translate your C projects to hungarian!
A very basic, RSA algorithm implementation. Only works with small numbers due to implementation with INT32.
Purely for informational purposes.
Title says it all, can be configured and extended.
A CSS library which helps you add icons like these: Download it from here OR import from Cdn:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Implementation of some physics functions in lua. Contains Hungarian and English comments.
A basic webscraper made in Go. It was a practice but I decided to upload it here in case if someone needs it.
Purely for informational purposes.
A visual program which converts .glb and .gltf file geometry data to JSON format. I used this in my Javascript neural network project.
Purely for informational purposes.
A silly project which.. well.. demodules your projects. It places everything into one large file. Why?? I don't know. 70% It won't produce good result.
Can be combined with the demoduler. Set a src file and open a now notepad and this. It will type the contents of the src file for you very fast.
An old prototype which turned out to be merely a test.
A python script which counts the source code file lines in a directory, supports most languages used in web. Usage: 'python'
Generates documentations from comments in this format: \\! \\? and \\- . Usage: 'python'
WSAD to move and press enter to register movement. A very basic C program, my first C game you can say.
An OpenGL demo which showcases function graphing and calculating integrals. Made for university.
A very basic assembly interpreter with configurable amount of registers.
An old project of mine. My first C++ and Windows specific application.
A practice project for passing the 0th exam.
This is a vastly modified version of the sleep sort algorithm. I poured all my cruelty and malice and my will to dominate in this algorithm.
If given *Enough* time this algorithm can generate *any* *algorithm*.
A program prints matrices and transponed in Algol.
GCD and Euler totient implementation in Lisp.
A collection of my commands and contraptions. I have made a lot of them, ranging from procedural structures to custom gamemodes. They are outdated but you can port it to other versions.
This is a plugin for minecraft 1.16 under Java 8. Planet 4 generator is aiming to recreate the terrain from Alien covenant. In order for this to take effect put this in your bukkit.yml file:
generator: Planet4Generator
This is a plugin for minecraft 1.16 under Java 8. An improved/remastered version Planet 4 generator. In order for this to take effect put this in your bukkit.yml file:
generator: Planet4Generator
This is a plugin for minecraft 1.16 under Java 8 which aims to recreate the terrain of Mars with some spice. In order for this to take effect put this in your bukkit.yml file:
generator: MarsGenerator
This is a plugin for minecraft 1.16 under Java 8 which aims to recreate the terrain of Coruscant. This is an early version and does not contain a lot of features. bukkit.yml file:
generator: CoruscantGenerator
A very basic code interpreter in Haskell. It has 12 commands, 10 of them are move 1 to register X.
A simulation of the gameplay of Among Us made in ruby.
A math library reimplementation in fortran. Most of these functions are already existing under fortran but I gained knowledge whilst making them.
A file formatter I made using COBOL while I was still learning.
A silly string to (balanced) btree converter made in Pascal. It has not much use as it just converts the string to an unreadable mess.
Some of my old and some of my unfinished Erlang projects. Altough they are not finished they still contain some boilerplate code you can use.
A script for better ergonomy. Will alert you to take a break in every 45 minutes.
An 'Use map settings', defender and invader type of map for 2 players.
An 'Use map settings', experimental base defender gamemode.
The most scuffed 8 player map you will ever see.
A fairly balanced 8 player island map. Contains very limited buildable terrain.
You control a bureaucratic zerg system where you need capital, and votes to end war as a business. Contain Hungarian translation.
An alien inspired Zerg adventure map.
A fun, but imbalanced 4 player FFA map.
Defend the onslaught. Can be played by 3 players max.
A Blizzard balance tier 8 player FFA map.
A 4 player adventure maps where one player takes the role of a temple guardian whose only goal is to destroy the explorers who try to steal from the temple.
An extremely air heavy 1v1 map.
A 3v3 FFA or team map. Beware of tight chokepoints.
A custom campaign where you control the aliens who are trying to conquer all that was left.
A custom campaign where you control the aliens who are trying to conquer all that was left.
A custom campaign where you control the aliens who are trying to conquer all that was left.
Your goal is to survive against some buffed Zerg AIs.
A remake of COD Zombies in StarCraft.

A minigame made as a minecraft map. Contains hungarian translation. (Lasts for 1 minute hopefully)

A castle made with inpenetrable defenses, contains many traps and a self-rebuilding wall.

A death star replica in minecraft which is 255x255x255 blocks in size. The shell is made with scripts but the interior is unfinished. Contains 2-3 floors.

A castle which was designed with inpenetrable defenses eg: rebuilding walls, suicide towers, many cannons, trenches and other stuff. Made for the invasion mod minigame.
An aircraft carrier equipped with working TNT cannons and aircraft.
An US battlecruiser equipped with working TNT cannons and radars.
A Kirov class battlecruiser equipped with working TNT cannons of mass destruction at multiple levels, even in the towers.
An oil rig which can provide a great asthetic.
A port crane for your industrial district to make it more visually pleasing.
A small port ship which can add a little detail to your builds.
A bigger port ship which can add a little bit more detail to your builds.